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5 Ways to Simply Manage Eating Problems in Children

5 Ways to Simply Manage Eating Problems in Children

5 Ways to Simply Manage Eating Problems in Children


A good and healthy diet brings many benefits for the child, including maintaining an ideal body weight and reducing the risk of health problems. Implementing good eating habits should be initiated at an early age to optimize growth and development process of the child, as well as to ensure that these habits can continue as the child grows. Educating the child on healthy eating habits may not always be difficult. You can implement the following tips:

  • Prepare a healthy and variable menu Ensure that you always prepare healthy food at home, such as low fat animal proteins or bright-colored fruit and vegetables. Also consider the variation of selection, as an increase in variety will allow the child to try different types of food.
  • Be a role model for the child The apple does not fall far from the tree. The most effective way is to set a good example by consuming healthy food at home, so the child can follow these habits.
  • Create a regular eating schedule To ensure a healthy digestive system, accustom yourself to arrange a regular eating schedule for the child at a predetermined time. Also adjust the time for providing breast milk or snack and ensure that it is not scheduled too close to their meal time, as they may still be full.
  • Create a good eating atmosphere Accustom the child to eat on the dining table, and do not make it a habit for them to eat while being carried. Also avoid eating while watching television or playing with a gadget. The child should also be trained to eat slowly and not be in a rush. All of these will be helpful for the child to learn to appreciate food, seeing eating as an activity, and help them be more sensitive to bodily signals while eating, for instance the satiety signal.
  • Introduce new food When you first introduce a new type of food to your child, there is a possibility for them to reject it. Manage this by only introducing one type of food at a time. Also observe the feeding method, and combine with other type of food that they like or when they are in a good mood. Let them see, smell, and touch the new food. Encourage them to try, but do not force. If they refuse to eat it, you can try again at another time.
As long as the growth and development process of the child occurs in accordance to their age, this indicates that their nutritional requirements are met. If you experience a difficulty in implementing healthy eating habits for the child, consult these issues with a nutritionist or pediatrician.

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