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Organic Complementary Food For Your Baby’s Nutrtition

Organic Complementary Food For Your Baby’s Nutrtition

Organic Complementary Food For Your Baby’s Nutrtition


After six months period of exclusive breastfeeding, it’s the right time for them to get into the next stage, it’s complementary food of breast milk. This stage’s purpose is to fulfill the nutrition needs that keep increasing as they get older so that their growth and development will be optimized. There are initial struggles that Moms will face about giving these complementary foods, such as the frequency in giving the foods, the food’s texture, and also choosing the right quality of them. Are these complementary foods of breast milk better in organic ingredients? Let’s check the explanation down below.

Organic complementary food to breastfeeding means that the ingredients of the complementary food consists of organic component. Ingredients such as vegetable, fruit, rice, nuts or tubers from the planting, storage and packaging process are free of pesticide, fertilizers, and from toxic chemicals. Or if it is still used, there are clear usage restrictions. For the ingredients from animals such as meats, the meat should be free of hormone injections, antibiotic, and genetically modified.

According to Dr. Saptawati Bardasono, M.Sc., Medical Nutritional Expert of Indonesian Nutrition Association and Academic Staff of Nutritional Science Department in Medical Faculty University of Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, nutritional content in organic ingredients are higher compared to regular ingredients. Another benefit is in its content of sugar, as they don’t add any sugar during its process. Organic vegetables and fruits contain antioxidant and polyphenol that are 10-15% higher than regular vegetables and fruits.

Having said that, not all organic products are suitable for the baby’s nutritional needs, moms should carefully choose organic ingredients for their baby so their daily nutrition needs can be fulfilled. Make sure the complementary food contains various ingredients such as meat, fish, egg or milk. “If it’s not possible, the baby should get MPASI that are fortified to make sure their macronutrients and micronutrients needs are fulfilled,” explained dr. Dian.

Good organic prepacked complementary food of breastfeeding should be made of organic ingredients that are legally certified by BPOM, contains macronutrients (protein, carbohydrate, and fat), and micronutrients (12 vitamins and 8 minerals) that are needed by baby for their optimal growth and development. The process of manufacturing should be done according to standards. One way of sterilization process is to decrease water contains in the product, so that the product will be sterilized and protected from the bacteria and microbe.

As for now, domestic packaged complementary food of breastfeeding that are made of organic ingredients are available. Moms can give Milna Bubur Bayi Organik (Milna Organic Baby Porridge) that is available in three flavor variants; red rice, banana and green beans. Why is Milna Bubur Bayi Organik the right choice?

  • 95% Made of chosen organic ingredients
  • Contains 12 vitamins and 8 minerals that play important roles to fulfill vitamin and mineral needs that can’t be obtained from regular complementary foods of breastmilk (MPASI)
  • Helps to optimize growth and development
  • Maintains the health of baby’s digestive tract
  • Helps the growth of bone and teeth.
Make sure the complementary foods of breastmilk for the baby is suitable for their daily nutritional needs. The baby will get more nutrition as much as the variation of foods they consume. This will definitely help them to optimize their growth

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