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The Guide in Solid Feeding for 9 Month Baby Food

The Guide in Solid Feeding for 9 Month Baby Food

The Guide in Solid Feeding for 9 Month Baby Food


KlikDokter.com – Your baby can eat more variety of solid food when he reaches 9 months old. As they are cheese, egg, and fish. But if your baby is allergic to the food, it should be postponed until your baby reaches 1 year old. Remember, you cannot give honey at this age. Then, how about fruits? You can serve it as finger food, being milled, or blended. Papaya, banana, apple, pear, and avocado can be cut and served on a plate. Let your baby learns to be more independent by eating the food by himself. You can boil vegetables and cut them into small portions, and serve them with your baby’s porridge. Besides, you can serve the veggies as a finger food also. Remember, you should not give sugar to a 9-month-old child. Let them taste the natural sweetness in the fruits and other food. Besides, sugar can cause obesity and tooth decay. There are several ways that you can do to meet your baby’s nutritional need:

  • Breastfeeding
  • Add nutritious and balanced diet from solid food, such as carbohydrate (rice, potato, and wheat), protein (fish and egg), fat (ground beef, avocado, nuts), and fiber (veggies and fruits)
  • You can also add whole milk, extra virgin olive oil, grated cheese, or cream cheese into solid food.
Give your baby 3 main meals and 2 nutritious snacks. If you want to know more details about this topic, please submit the question at Tanya Dokter Klikdokter.com page in our website.  

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