Pay Attention to 2 Key Principles for Baby CrawlingFriday, 1 June 2018
One important aspect in the growth and development process of the Little One is the motoric development. The motoric development of the Little One is divided into two types, which are the gross motor and fine motor development. The gross motor development involves the ability to hold up their heads, roll over on their stomach, sit, crawl, stand, walk, and run. On the other hand, the fine motor development involves the ability to hold objects, move objects from one hand to another, pick up small objects with the thumb and index finger, stack objects, scribble, and write. Crawling is one of the phases in the gross motor development of the Little One. “Crawling is a big milestone for the litt because it is their first experience in moving independently,” says Rallie McAllister, MD, co-author of The Mommy MD Guide to Your Baby’s First Year. The Little One will learn about to concept of space as crawling helps them explore their environment and obtain the object they attempt to reach for by themselves. “Crawling helps the Little One to sharpen their navigation abilities and memorize the objects in their surroundings,” adds Dr. McAllister. Generally, the Little One is able to crawl at the age of 6-10 months. There are 2 main points that should be assisted by the parent so that the Little One can crawl correctly and at the correct time, which are: Health of organ systems and nutrition The Little One should have healthy organ systems, particularly the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, as well as an optimal eyesight. The motoric development of the Little One is also supported by good nutritional intake. Crawling requires coordination of the body and mind. The muscles of the back, neck, shoulders, arms, and abdomen should be strong enough to support the weight of the Little One to help them maintain their stability. Their vision also plays an important role. If the Little One is too thin or malnourished, they may experience a motoric developmental delay, in this case, crawling. A Little One that is overweight may also experience difficulty in maintaining their balance when crawling. Adequate stimulation In order for the Little One to learn to crawl well and on time, they should obtain adequate stimulation. The parents can begin stimulations for crawling when the Little One is already able to sit by themselves. Attract the attention of the Little One by using objects that they like from a distance that can not be reached from a sitting position. When learning to crawl, the parents can help the Little One by holding their stomach and chest to maintain their position and balance. Gradually loosen the grip until the Little One is able to move, maintain their position, and coordinate their movements while crawling. After being able to crawl on their own, parents can provide stimulation by placing objects further than before so the Little One must crawl further and reach a different place compared to the previous time. Parents can also stimulate by playing a simple game of hide and seek. To do this, parents can place themselves in a different room from the Little One and call their name. This will stimulate them to crawl towards their parents. Remember that with good nutrition and stimulation, the growth and development of the Little One can be optimal.