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Fruit Puree is the Perfect Complementary Food. Here’s Why.

Fruit Puree is the Perfect Complementary Food. Here’s Why.

Fruit Puree is the Perfect Complementary Food. Here’s Why.


During the first 6 months of life, breast milk is the best meal for the Little One. After this period, they should be given their first food, more commonly known as complementary food. What are the types of food that can be processed and given to the Little One? Parents should not be confused, as there are many food substances that can be safely given to them. The more variety of food introduced to the Little One, the higher is the likelihood for fulfilling their nutritional requirements. Fruits are examples of highly nutritious complementary food. Fruits are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals that are beneficial for the Little One. Generally, the Little One will be interested to try fruits due to its appealing colour and refreshing taste. Can all types of fruits be given as complementary food? To start with, the Nutrients journal recommends that the fruits selected as complementary food are those that taste neutral and do not have a sharp aroma. This is intended to avoid the Little One becoming picky eaters. Some examples of these fruits include bananas, avocados, papayas, baby oranges, pears, and apples. How should these be processed? The recipes below have been adjusted in accordance to the age groups of the Little One: Age 6 Months Avocado Puree Ingredients:

  • One ripe butter avocado
  • Breast milk or breast milk substitute
Method of preparation: Crush the avocado until it is soft (use a fork, wire sieve, or blender). Mix with breast milk just before it is given to the Little One. According to Robert Murray from Ohio State University, United States of America, it is very important to introduce various flavours, textures, colours, and combination in the first meal for the Little One. All of these can be obtained from avocado. Avocados contain vitamins A, B, C, E, and antioxidants. Other than that, avocados also contain folic acid that can be beneficial for the brain development of the Little One. The good fat content is also beneficial for digestion. It should be noted that during the early days of introducing complementary food, the Little One should be served meals with a single flavour. This is intended for them to learn to identify flavours, and also to observe the presence of allergic reactions in the Little One. After serving for three consecutive days and in the absence of allergic reactions, the provision of complementary food can be continued by introducing a different flavour. 7-8 Months Banana Orange Puree Ingredients:
  • One ripe Ambonese banana
  • Squeezed baby oranges
  • Breast milk
Method of preparation: Crush the banana with a fork or wire sieve. After it is soft, mix with the squeezed baby oranges. Prior to serving, mix this puree with breast milk or breast milk substitute. Bananas contain protein, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, folate, riboflavin, and vitamin A, which are beneficial for the health of the Little One. Meanwhile, oranges are rich in calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin C, which are beneficial to maintain the immunity of the Little One. 9-12 Months Applesauce Oatmeal Ingredients:
  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal
  • Sliced apples, select the sweet ones
  • Cinnamon
Method of preparation:
  • Cook the oatmeal with water over a fire, stir gently until it is cooked, and then process this with a blender.
  • Boil the apple slices by adding one cinnamon segment until the apple is soft, and then process this with a blender.
  • Wait until both are at room temperature, then pour the sauce on the oatmeal puree.
This applesauce oatmeal can also be served cold after being placed in the refrigerator. Nutritional content: Oatmeals are rich in fiber, which is beneficial for the digestion of the Little One. Meanwhile, apples are rich in various vitamins such as A, C, and B, as well as antioxidants, which will protect the Little One from various diseases. Every child has their own preferences, in spite of having been introduced to various types of fruits at an early age. So, parents do not need to force a certain type of fruit or fruit puree if the Little One does not like it. Every type of fruit contains nutrients that are beneficial for the Little One.

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