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/******/ (function() { // webpackBootstrap /******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ({ /***/ 5817: /***/ (function(module) { var l10n = wp.media.view.l10n, EditAttachmentMetadata; /** * wp.media.controller.EditAttachmentMetadata * * A state for editing an attachment's metadata. * * @memberOf wp.media.controller * * @class * @augments wp.media.controller.State * @augments Backbone.Model */ EditAttachmentMetadata = wp.media.controller.State.extend(/** @lends wp.media.controller.EditAttachmentMetadata.prototype */{ defaults: { id: 'edit-attachment', // Title string passed to the frame's title region view. title: l10n.attachmentDetails, // Region mode defaults. content: 'edit-metadata', menu: false, toolbar: false, router: false } }); module.exports = EditAttachmentMetadata; /***/ }), /***/ 9525: /***/ (function(module) { /** * wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Manage.Router * * A router for handling the browser history and application state. * * @memberOf wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Manage * * @class * @augments Backbone.Router */ var Router = Backbone.Router.extend(/** @lends wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Manage.Router.prototype */{ routes: { 'upload.php?item=:slug&mode=edit': 'editItem', 'upload.php?item=:slug': 'showItem', 'upload.php?search=:query': 'search', 'upload.php': 'reset' }, // Map routes against the page URL. baseUrl: function( url ) { return 'upload.php' + url; }, reset: function() { var frame = wp.media.frames.edit; if ( frame ) { frame.close(); } }, // Respond to the search route by filling the search field and triggering the input event. search: function( query ) { jQuery( '#media-search-input' ).val( query ).trigger( 'input' ); }, // Show the modal with a specific item. showItem: function( query ) { var media = wp.media, frame = media.frames.browse, library = frame.state().get('library'), item; // Trigger the media frame to open the correct item. item = library.findWhere( { id: parseInt( query, 10 ) } ); if ( item ) { item.set( 'skipHistory', true ); frame.trigger( 'edit:attachment', item ); } else { item = media.attachment( query ); frame.listenTo( item, 'change', function( model ) { frame.stopListening( item ); frame.trigger( 'edit:attachment', model ); } ); item.fetch(); } }, // Show the modal in edit mode with a specific item. editItem: function( query ) { this.showItem( query ); wp.media.frames.edit.content.mode( 'edit-details' ); } }); module.exports = Router; /***/ }), /***/ 7433: /***/ (function(module) { var Details = wp.media.view.Attachment.Details, TwoColumn; /** * wp.media.view.Attachment.Details.TwoColumn * * A similar view to media.view.Attachment.Details * for use in the Edit Attachment modal. * * @memberOf wp.media.view.Attachment.Details * * @class * @augments wp.media.view.Attachment.Details * @augments wp.media.view.Attachment * @augments wp.media.View * @augments wp.Backbone.View * @augments Backbone.View */ TwoColumn = Details.extend(/** @lends wp.media.view.Attachment.Details.TowColumn.prototype */{ template: wp.template( 'attachment-details-two-column' ), initialize: function() { this.controller.on( 'content:activate:edit-details', _.bind( this.editAttachment, this ) ); Details.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments ); }, editAttachment: function( event ) { if ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); } this.controller.content.mode( 'edit-image' ); }, /** * Noop this from parent class, doesn't apply here. */ toggleSelectionHandler: function() {} }); module.exports = TwoColumn; /***/ }), /***/ 5562: /***/ (function(module) { var Button = wp.media.view.Button, DeleteSelected = wp.media.view.DeleteSelectedButton, DeleteSelectedPermanently; /** * wp.media.view.DeleteSelectedPermanentlyButton * * When MEDIA_TRASH is true, a button that handles bulk Delete Permanently logic * * @memberOf wp.media.view * * @class * @augments wp.media.view.DeleteSelectedButton * @augments wp.media.view.Button * @augments wp.media.View * @augments wp.Backbone.View * @augments Backbone.View */ DeleteSelectedPermanently = DeleteSelected.extend(/** @lends wp.media.view.DeleteSelectedPermanentlyButton.prototype */{ initialize: function() { DeleteSelected.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments ); this.controller.on( 'select:activate', this.selectActivate, this ); this.controller.on( 'select:deactivate', this.selectDeactivate, this ); }, filterChange: function( model ) { this.canShow = ( 'trash' === model.get( 'status' ) ); }, selectActivate: function() { this.toggleDisabled(); this.$el.toggleClass( 'hidden', ! this.canShow ); }, selectDeactivate: function() { this.toggleDisabled(); this.$el.addClass( 'hidden' ); }, render: function() { Button.prototype.render.apply( this, arguments ); this.selectActivate(); return this; } }); module.exports = DeleteSelectedPermanently; /***/ }), /***/ 471: /***/ (function(module) { var Button = wp.media.view.Button, l10n = wp.media.view.l10n, DeleteSelected; /** * wp.media.view.DeleteSelectedButton * * A button that handles bulk Delete/Trash logic * * @memberOf wp.media.view * * @class * @augments wp.media.view.Button * @augments wp.media.View * @augments wp.Backbone.View * @augments Backbone.View */ DeleteSelected = Button.extend(/** @lends wp.media.view.DeleteSelectedButton.prototype */{ initialize: function() { Button.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments ); if ( this.options.filters ) { this.options.filters.model.on( 'change', this.filterChange, this ); } this.controller.on( 'selection:toggle', this.toggleDisabled, this ); this.controller.on( 'select:activate', this.toggleDisabled, this ); }, filterChange: function( model ) { if ( 'trash' === model.get( 'status' ) ) { this.model.set( 'text', l10n.restoreSelected ); } else if ( wp.media.view.settings.mediaTrash ) { this.model.set( 'text', l10n.trashSelected ); } else { this.model.set( 'text', l10n.deletePermanently ); } }, toggleDisabled: function() { this.model.set( 'disabled', ! this.controller.state().get( 'selection' ).length ); }, render: function() { Button.prototype.render.apply( this, arguments ); if ( this.controller.isModeActive( 'select' ) ) { this.$el.addClass( 'delete-selected-button' ); } else { this.$el.addClass( 'delete-selected-button hidden' ); } this.toggleDisabled(); return this; } }); module.exports = DeleteSelected; /***/ }), /***/ 6767: /***/ (function(module) { var Button = wp.media.view.Button, l10n = wp.media.view.l10n, SelectModeToggle; /** * wp.media.view.SelectModeToggleButton * * @memberOf wp.media.view * * @class * @augments wp.media.view.Button * @augments wp.media.View * @augments wp.Backbone.View * @augments Backbone.View */ SelectModeToggle = Button.extend(/** @lends wp.media.view.SelectModeToggle.prototype */{ initialize: function() { _.defaults( this.options, { size : '' } ); Button.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments ); this.controller.on( 'select:activate select:deactivate', this.toggleBulkEditHandler, this ); this.controller.on( 'selection:action:done', this.back, this ); }, back: function () { this.controller.deactivateMode( 'select' ).activateMode( 'edit' ); }, click: function() { Button.prototype.click.apply( this, arguments ); if ( this.controller.isModeActive( 'select' ) ) { this.back(); } else { this.controller.deactivateMode( 'edit' ).activateMode( 'select' ); } }, render: function() { Button.prototype.render.apply( this, arguments ); this.$el.addClass( 'select-mode-toggle-button' ); return this; }, toggleBulkEditHandler: function() { var toolbar = this.controller.content.get().toolbar, children; children = toolbar.$( '.media-toolbar-secondary > *, .media-toolbar-primary > *' ); // @todo The Frame should be doing all of this. if ( this.controller.isModeActive( 'select' ) ) { this.model.set( { size: 'large', text: l10n.cancel } ); children.not( '.spinner, .media-button' ).hide(); this.$el.show(); toolbar.$el.addClass( 'media-toolbar-mode-select' ); toolbar.$( '.delete-selected-button' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); } else { this.model.set( { size: '', text: l10n.bulkSelect } ); this.controller.content.get().$el.removeClass( 'fixed' ); toolbar.$el.css( 'width', '' ); toolbar.$el.removeClass( 'media-toolbar-mode-select' ); toolbar.$( '.delete-selected-button' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); children.not( '.media-button' ).show(); this.controller.state().get( 'selection' ).reset(); } } }); module.exports = SelectModeToggle; /***/ }), /***/ 9157: /***/ (function(module) { var View = wp.media.View, EditImage = wp.media.view.EditImage, Details; /** * wp.media.view.EditImage.Details * * @memberOf wp.media.view.EditImage * * @class * @augments wp.media.view.EditImage * @augments wp.media.View * @augments wp.Backbone.View * @augments Backbone.View */ Details = EditImage.extend(/** @lends wp.media.view.EditImage.Details.prototype */{ initialize: function( options ) { this.editor = window.imageEdit; this.frame = options.frame; this.controller = options.controller; View.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments ); }, back: function() { this.frame.content.mode( 'edit-metadata' ); }, save: function() { this.model.fetch().done( _.bind( function() { this.frame.content.mode( 'edit-metadata' ); }, this ) ); } }); module.exports = Details; /***/ }), /***/ 5169: /***/ (function(module) { var Frame = wp.media.view.Frame, MediaFrame = wp.media.view.MediaFrame, $ = jQuery, EditAttachments; /** * wp.media.view.MediaFrame.EditAttachments * * A frame for editing the details of a specific media item. * * Opens in a modal by default. * * Requires an attachment model to be passed in the options hash under `model`. * * @memberOf wp.media.view.MediaFrame * * @class * @augments wp.media.view.Frame * @augments wp.media.View * @augments wp.Backbone.View * @augments Backbone.View * @mixes wp.media.controller.StateMachine */ EditAttachments = MediaFrame.extend(/** @lends wp.media.view.MediaFrame.EditAttachments.prototype */{ className: 'edit-attachment-frame', template: wp.template( 'edit-attachment-frame' ), regions: [ 'title', 'content' ], events: { 'click .left': 'previousMediaItem', 'click .right': 'nextMediaItem' }, initialize: function() { Frame.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments ); _.defaults( this.options, { modal: true, state: 'edit-attachment' }); this.controller = this.options.controller; this.gridRouter = this.controller.gridRouter; this.library = this.options.library; if ( this.options.model ) { this.model = this.options.model; } this.bindHandlers(); this.createStates(); this.createModal(); this.title.mode( 'default' ); this.toggleNav(); }, bindHandlers: function() { // Bind default title creation. this.on( 'title:create:default', this.createTitle, this ); this.on( 'content:create:edit-metadata', this.editMetadataMode, this ); this.on( 'content:create:edit-image', this.editImageMode, this ); this.on( 'content:render:edit-image', this.editImageModeRender, this ); this.on( 'refresh', this.rerender, this ); this.on( 'close', this.detach ); this.bindModelHandlers(); this.listenTo( this.gridRouter, 'route:search', this.close, this ); }, bindModelHandlers: function() { // Close the modal if the attachment is deleted. this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:status destroy', this.close, this ); }, createModal: function() { // Initialize modal container view. if ( this.options.modal ) { this.modal = new wp.media.view.Modal({ controller: this, title: this.options.title, hasCloseButton: false }); this.modal.on( 'open', _.bind( function () { $( 'body' ).on( 'keydown.media-modal', _.bind( this.keyEvent, this ) ); }, this ) ); // Completely destroy the modal DOM element when closing it. this.modal.on( 'close', _.bind( function() { // Remove the keydown event. $( 'body' ).off( 'keydown.media-modal' ); // Move focus back to the original item in the grid if possible. $( 'li.attachment[data-id="' + this.model.get( 'id' ) +'"]' ).trigger( 'focus' ); this.resetRoute(); }, this ) ); // Set this frame as the modal's content. this.modal.content( this ); this.modal.open(); } }, /** * Add the default states to the frame. */ createStates: function() { this.states.add([ new wp.media.controller.EditAttachmentMetadata({ model: this.model, library: this.library }) ]); }, /** * Content region rendering callback for the `edit-metadata` mode. * * @param {Object} contentRegion Basic object with a `view` property, which * should be set with the proper region view. */ editMetadataMode: function( contentRegion ) { contentRegion.view = new wp.media.view.Attachment.Details.TwoColumn({ controller: this, model: this.model }); /** * Attach a subview to display fields added via the * `attachment_fields_to_edit` filter. */ contentRegion.view.views.set( '.attachment-compat', new wp.media.view.AttachmentCompat({ controller: this, model: this.model }) ); // Update browser url when navigating media details, except on load. if ( this.model && ! this.model.get( 'skipHistory' ) ) { this.gridRouter.navigate( this.gridRouter.baseUrl( '?item=' + this.model.id ) ); } }, /** * Render the EditImage view into the frame's content region. * * @param {Object} contentRegion Basic object with a `view` property, which * should be set with the proper region view. */ editImageMode: function( contentRegion ) { var editImageController = new wp.media.controller.EditImage( { model: this.model, frame: this } ); // Noop some methods. editImageController._toolbar = function() {}; editImageController._router = function() {}; editImageController._menu = function() {}; contentRegion.view = new wp.media.view.EditImage.Details( { model: this.model, frame: this, controller: editImageController } ); this.gridRouter.navigate( this.gridRouter.baseUrl( '?item=' + this.model.id + '&mode=edit' ) ); }, editImageModeRender: function( view ) { view.on( 'ready', view.loadEditor ); }, toggleNav: function() { this.$( '.left' ).prop( 'disabled', ! this.hasPrevious() ); this.$( '.right' ).prop( 'disabled', ! this.hasNext() ); }, /** * Rerender the view. */ rerender: function( model ) { this.stopListening( this.model ); this.model = model; this.bindModelHandlers(); // Only rerender the `content` region. if ( this.content.mode() !== 'edit-metadata' ) { this.content.mode( 'edit-metadata' ); } else { this.content.render(); } this.toggleNav(); }, /** * Click handler to switch to the previous media item. */ previousMediaItem: function() { if ( ! this.hasPrevious() ) { return; } this.trigger( 'refresh', this.library.at( this.getCurrentIndex() - 1 ) ); // Move focus to the Previous button. When there are no more items, to the Next button. this.focusNavButton( this.hasPrevious() ? '.left' : '.right' ); }, /** * Click handler to switch to the next media item. */ nextMediaItem: function() { if ( ! this.hasNext() ) { return; } this.trigger( 'refresh', this.library.at( this.getCurrentIndex() + 1 ) ); // Move focus to the Next button. When there are no more items, to the Previous button. this.focusNavButton( this.hasNext() ? '.right' : '.left' ); }, /** * Set focus to the navigation buttons depending on the browsing direction. * * @since 5.3.0 * * @param {string} which A CSS selector to target the button to focus. */ focusNavButton: function( which ) { $( which ).trigger( 'focus' ); }, getCurrentIndex: function() { return this.library.indexOf( this.model ); }, hasNext: function() { return ( this.getCurrentIndex() + 1 ) < this.library.length; }, hasPrevious: function() { return ( this.getCurrentIndex() - 1 ) > -1; }, /** * Respond to the keyboard events: right arrow, left arrow, except when * focus is in a textarea or input field. */ keyEvent: function( event ) { if ( ( 'INPUT' === event.target.nodeName || 'TEXTAREA' === event.target.nodeName ) && ! event.target.disabled ) { return; } // The right arrow key. if ( 39 === event.keyCode ) { this.nextMediaItem(); } // The left arrow key. if ( 37 === event.keyCode ) { this.previousMediaItem(); } }, resetRoute: function() { var searchTerm = this.controller.browserView.toolbar.get( 'search' ).$el.val(), url = '' !== searchTerm ? '?search=' + searchTerm : ''; this.gridRouter.navigate( this.gridRouter.baseUrl( url ), { replace: true } ); } }); module.exports = EditAttachments; /***/ }), /***/ 4817: /***/ (function(module) { var MediaFrame = wp.media.view.MediaFrame, Library = wp.media.controller.Library, $ = Backbone.$, Manage; /** * wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Manage * * A generic management frame workflow. * * Used in the media grid view. * * @memberOf wp.media.view.MediaFrame * * @class * @augments wp.media.view.MediaFrame * @augments wp.media.view.Frame * @augments wp.media.View * @augments wp.Backbone.View * @augments Backbone.View * @mixes wp.media.controller.StateMachine */ Manage = MediaFrame.extend(/** @lends wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Manage.prototype */{ /** * @constructs */ initialize: function() { _.defaults( this.options, { title: '', modal: false, selection: [], library: {}, // Options hash for the query to the media library. multiple: 'add', state: 'library', uploader: true, mode: [ 'grid', 'edit' ] }); this.$body = $( document.body ); this.$window = $( window ); this.$adminBar = $( '#wpadminbar' ); // Store the Add New button for later reuse in wp.media.view.UploaderInline. this.$uploaderToggler = $( '.page-title-action' ) .attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ) .on( 'click', _.bind( this.addNewClickHandler, this ) ); this.$window.on( 'scroll resize', _.debounce( _.bind( this.fixPosition, this ), 15 ) ); // Ensure core and media grid view UI is enabled. this.$el.addClass('wp-core-ui'); // Force the uploader off if the upload limit has been exceeded or // if the browser isn't supported. if ( wp.Uploader.limitExceeded || ! wp.Uploader.browser.supported ) { this.options.uploader = false; } // Initialize a window-wide uploader. if ( this.options.uploader ) { this.uploader = new wp.media.view.UploaderWindow({ controller: this, uploader: { dropzone: document.body, container: document.body } }).render(); this.uploader.ready(); $('body').append( this.uploader.el ); this.options.uploader = false; } this.gridRouter = new wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Manage.Router(); // Call 'initialize' directly on the parent class. MediaFrame.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments ); // Append the frame view directly the supplied container. this.$el.appendTo( this.options.container ); this.createStates(); this.bindRegionModeHandlers(); this.render(); this.bindSearchHandler(); wp.media.frames.browse = this; }, bindSearchHandler: function() { var search = this.$( '#media-search-input' ), searchView = this.browserView.toolbar.get( 'search' ).$el, listMode = this.$( '.view-list' ), input = _.throttle( function (e) { var val = $( e.currentTarget ).val(), url = ''; if ( val ) { url += '?search=' + val; this.gridRouter.navigate( this.gridRouter.baseUrl( url ), { replace: true } ); } }, 1000 ); // Update the URL when entering search string (at most once per second). search.on( 'input', _.bind( input, this ) ); this.gridRouter .on( 'route:search', function () { var href = window.location.href; if ( href.indexOf( 'mode=' ) > -1 ) { href = href.replace( /mode=[^&]+/g, 'mode=list' ); } else { href += href.indexOf( '?' ) > -1 ? '&mode=list' : '?mode=list'; } href = href.replace( 'search=', 's=' ); listMode.prop( 'href', href ); }) .on( 'route:reset', function() { searchView.val( '' ).trigger( 'input' ); }); }, /** * Create the default states for the frame. */ createStates: function() { var options = this.options; if ( this.options.states ) { return; } // Add the default states. this.states.add([ new Library({ library: wp.media.query( options.library ), multiple: options.multiple, title: options.title, content: 'browse', toolbar: 'select', contentUserSetting: false, filterable: 'all', autoSelect: false }) ]); }, /** * Bind region mode activation events to proper handlers. */ bindRegionModeHandlers: function() { this.on( 'content:create:browse', this.browseContent, this ); // Handle a frame-level event for editing an attachment. this.on( 'edit:attachment', this.openEditAttachmentModal, this ); this.on( 'select:activate', this.bindKeydown, this ); this.on( 'select:deactivate', this.unbindKeydown, this ); }, handleKeydown: function( e ) { if ( 27 === e.which ) { e.preventDefault(); this.deactivateMode( 'select' ).activateMode( 'edit' ); } }, bindKeydown: function() { this.$body.on( 'keydown.select', _.bind( this.handleKeydown, this ) ); }, unbindKeydown: function() { this.$body.off( 'keydown.select' ); }, fixPosition: function() { var $browser, $toolbar; if ( ! this.isModeActive( 'select' ) ) { return; } $browser = this.$('.attachments-browser'); $toolbar = $browser.find('.media-toolbar'); // Offset doesn't appear to take top margin into account, hence +16. if ( ( $browser.offset().top + 16 ) < this.$window.scrollTop() + this.$adminBar.height() ) { $browser.addClass( 'fixed' ); $toolbar.css('width', $browser.width() + 'px'); } else { $browser.removeClass( 'fixed' ); $toolbar.css('width', ''); } }, /** * Click handler for the `Add New` button. */ addNewClickHandler: function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); this.trigger( 'toggle:upload:attachment' ); if ( this.uploader ) { this.uploader.refresh(); } }, /** * Open the Edit Attachment modal. */ openEditAttachmentModal: function( model ) { // Create a new EditAttachment frame, passing along the library and the attachment model. if ( wp.media.frames.edit ) { wp.media.frames.edit.open().trigger( 'refresh', model ); } else { wp.media.frames.edit = wp.media( { frame: 'edit-attachments', controller: this, library: this.state().get('library'), model: model } ); } }, /** * Create an attachments browser view within the content region. * * @param {Object} contentRegion Basic object with a `view` property, which * should be set with the proper region view. * @this wp.media.controller.Region */ browseContent: function( contentRegion ) { var state = this.state(); // Browse our library of attachments. this.browserView = contentRegion.view = new wp.media.view.AttachmentsBrowser({ controller: this, collection: state.get('library'), selection: state.get('selection'), model: state, sortable: state.get('sortable'), search: state.get('searchable'), filters: state.get('filterable'), date: state.get('date'), display: state.get('displaySettings'), dragInfo: state.get('dragInfo'), sidebar: 'errors', suggestedWidth: state.get('suggestedWidth'), suggestedHeight: state.get('suggestedHeight'), AttachmentView: state.get('AttachmentView'), scrollElement: document }); this.browserView.on( 'ready', _.bind( this.bindDeferred, this ) ); this.errors = wp.Uploader.errors; this.errors.on( 'add remove reset', this.sidebarVisibility, this ); }, sidebarVisibility: function() { this.browserView.$( '.media-sidebar' ).toggle( !! this.errors.length ); }, bindDeferred: function() { if ( ! this.browserView.dfd ) { return; } this.browserView.dfd.done( _.bind( this.startHistory, this ) ); }, startHistory: function() { // Verify pushState support and activate. if ( window.history && window.history.pushState ) { if ( Backbone.History.started ) { Backbone.history.stop(); } Backbone.history.start( { root: window._wpMediaGridSettings.adminUrl, pushState: true } ); } } }); module.exports = Manage; /***/ }) /******/ }); /************************************************************************/ /******/ // The module cache /******/ var __webpack_module_cache__ = {}; /******/ /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId]; /******/ if (cachedModule !== undefined) { /******/ return cachedModule.exports; /******/ } /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = { /******/ // no module.id needed /******/ // no module.loaded needed /******/ exports: {} /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ __webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ /************************************************************************/ var __webpack_exports__ = {}; // This entry need to be wrapped in an IIFE because it need to be isolated against other modules in the chunk. !function() { /** * @output wp-includes/js/media-grid.js */ var media = wp.media; media.controller.EditAttachmentMetadata = __webpack_require__( 5817 ); media.view.MediaFrame.Manage = __webpack_require__( 4817 ); media.view.Attachment.Details.TwoColumn = __webpack_require__( 7433 ); media.view.MediaFrame.Manage.Router = __webpack_require__( 9525 ); media.view.EditImage.Details = __webpack_require__( 9157 ); media.view.MediaFrame.EditAttachments = __webpack_require__( 5169 ); media.view.SelectModeToggleButton = __webpack_require__( 6767 ); media.view.DeleteSelectedButton = __webpack_require__( 471 ); media.view.DeleteSelectedPermanentlyButton = __webpack_require__( 5562 ); }(); /******/ })() ;
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Server Info
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- PHP Version: 7.4.33
- Server Software: Apache/2.4.58 (Ubuntu)
- HDD Total Space: 18.33 GB
- HDD Free Space: 2.47 GB
- Total Domains in Server: 2
- System: Linux milna-web 6.8.0-1018-aws #20-Ubuntu SMP Thu Oct 10 18:14:42 UTC 2024 x86_64
System Info
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