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<?php /** * Server-side rendering of the `core/comment-template` block. * * @package WordPress */ /** * Function that recursively renders a list of nested comments. * * @since 6.3.0 Changed render_block_context priority to `1`. * * @global int $comment_depth * * @param WP_Comment[] $comments The array of comments. * @param WP_Block $block Block instance. * @return string */ function block_core_comment_template_render_comments( $comments, $block ) { global $comment_depth; $thread_comments = get_option( 'thread_comments' ); $thread_comments_depth = get_option( 'thread_comments_depth' ); if ( empty( $comment_depth ) ) { $comment_depth = 1; } $content = ''; foreach ( $comments as $comment ) { $comment_id = $comment->comment_ID; $filter_block_context = static function( $context ) use ( $comment_id ) { $context['commentId'] = $comment_id; return $context; }; /* * We set commentId context through the `render_block_context` filter so * that dynamically inserted blocks (at `render_block` filter stage) * will also receive that context. * * Use an early priority to so that other 'render_block_context' filters * have access to the values. */ add_filter( 'render_block_context', $filter_block_context, 1 ); /* * We construct a new WP_Block instance from the parsed block so that * it'll receive any changes made by the `render_block_data` filter. */ $block_content = ( new WP_Block( $block->parsed_block ) )->render( array( 'dynamic' => false ) ); remove_filter( 'render_block_context', $filter_block_context, 1 ); $children = $comment->get_children(); /* * We need to create the CSS classes BEFORE recursing into the children. * This is because comment_class() uses globals like `$comment_alt` * and `$comment_thread_alt` which are order-sensitive. * * The `false` parameter at the end means that we do NOT want the function * to `echo` the output but to return a string. * See https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/comment_class/#parameters. */ $comment_classes = comment_class( '', $comment->comment_ID, $comment->comment_post_ID, false ); // If the comment has children, recurse to create the HTML for the nested // comments. if ( ! empty( $children ) && ! empty( $thread_comments ) ) { if ( $comment_depth < $thread_comments_depth ) { ++$comment_depth; $inner_content = block_core_comment_template_render_comments( $children, $block ); $block_content .= sprintf( '<ol>%1$s</ol>', $inner_content ); --$comment_depth; } else { $block_content .= block_core_comment_template_render_comments( $children, $block ); } } $content .= sprintf( '<li id="comment-%1$s" %2$s>%3$s</li>', $comment->comment_ID, $comment_classes, $block_content ); } return $content; } /** * Renders the `core/comment-template` block on the server. * * @param array $attributes Block attributes. * @param string $content Block default content. * @param WP_Block $block Block instance. * * @return string Returns the HTML representing the comments using the layout * defined by the block's inner blocks. */ function render_block_core_comment_template( $attributes, $content, $block ) { // Bail out early if the post ID is not set for some reason. if ( empty( $block->context['postId'] ) ) { return ''; } if ( post_password_required( $block->context['postId'] ) ) { return; } $comment_query = new WP_Comment_Query( build_comment_query_vars_from_block( $block ) ); // Get an array of comments for the current post. $comments = $comment_query->get_comments(); if ( count( $comments ) === 0 ) { return ''; } $comment_order = get_option( 'comment_order' ); if ( 'desc' === $comment_order ) { $comments = array_reverse( $comments ); } $wrapper_attributes = get_block_wrapper_attributes(); return sprintf( '<ol %1$s>%2$s</ol>', $wrapper_attributes, block_core_comment_template_render_comments( $comments, $block ) ); } /** * Registers the `core/comment-template` block on the server. */ function register_block_core_comment_template() { register_block_type_from_metadata( __DIR__ . '/comment-template', array( 'render_callback' => 'render_block_core_comment_template', 'skip_inner_blocks' => true, ) ); } add_action( 'init', 'register_block_core_comment_template' );
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