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<?php /** * @author Prasetyo Pandu <prasetyowira@gmail.com> * Date: 24/10/17 * Time: 14.27 */ namespace Api; use Api\Tools\Development; use Api\Tools\Growth; class BaseClass { protected $wpdb; protected $table; protected $config; public function __construct() { require_once( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/api/config/all.php'); require_once( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/wp-config.php' ); require_once( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/wp-includes/wp-db.php' ); require_once( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/wp-includes/pluggable.php' ); $this->wpdb = new \wpdb( DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME, DB_HOST); $this->table = ''; $this->config = include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/api/config/all.php'; } protected function queryBuilder($type, $table, $input = array(), $args = array(), $select_args = array()) { switch ($type){ case 'update': $fields = array(); $conditions = array(); foreach ($input as $key => $value){ $fields[] = "`$key` = "."'$value'"; } foreach ($args as $key => $value){ $conditions[] = "`$key` = " . "'$value'"; } $fields = implode( ', ', $fields); $conditions = implode( ' AND ', $conditions ); return "UPDATE `$table` SET $fields WHERE $conditions"; break; case 'left_join': $join = '';$conditions = array();$where = '';$select = ' * '; $base_table = $table[0]; if (is_array($table) && is_array($input)){ unset($table[0]); foreach ($table as $tab) { $clause = ''; foreach ($input as $inp){ $clause .= implode(' = ', $inp); } $join .= ' left join '.$tab.' on '.$clause.' '; } } if (is_array($args) && !empty($args)){ foreach ($args as $key => $value){ $conditions[] = "$key = " . "$value"; } $conditions = implode( ' AND ', $conditions ); $where = ' WHERE '.$conditions; } if (is_array($select_args) && !empty($select_args)){ $conditions = implode( ' , ', $select_args ); $select = $conditions; } return 'SELECT '.$select.' FROM '.$base_table.$join.$where; break; default: echo 'Hello World of Silence'; } } protected function getZScore($type ,$data, $anak, $umur) { $table = $this->getTable($type).'_'.$this->getPrefix($anak->gender); $q = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE Day = ".$umur['day']; $result = $this->wpdb->get_row($q); if($data > $result->SD0){ $zscore = ($data - $result->SD0)/ ($result->SD1 - $result->SD0); }else{ $zscore = ($data - $result->SD0)/ ($result->SD0 - $result->SD1Neg); } return $zscore; } protected function getHasilZScore($type, $zscore){ if (stripos($type, 'head') !== false){ $sumber = 'lingkar-kepala'; }elseif (stripos($type, 'height') !== false){ $sumber = 'tinggi-badan'; }else{ $sumber = 'berat-badan'; } if($sumber=='lingkar-kepala'){ $sub = 'Lingkar Kepala'; if($zscore < -3){ $n = '-4'; }elseif($zscore >= -3 and $zscore < -2){ $n = '-3'; }elseif($zscore >= -2 and $zscore < -1){ $n = '-2'; }elseif($zscore >= -1 and $zscore < 0){ $n = '-1'; }elseif($zscore == 0){ $n = '0'; }elseif($zscore <= 1 and $zscore > 0){ $n = '1'; }elseif($zscore <= 2 and $zscore > 1){ $n = '2'; }elseif($zscore <= 3 and $zscore > 2){ $n = '3'; }elseif($zscore > 3){ $n = '4'; } }else{ if($sumber=='tinggi-badan'){ $sub = 'Tinggi Badan'; }else{ $sub = 'Berat Badan'; } if($zscore < -3){ $n = '-4'; }elseif($zscore >= -3 and $zscore < -2){ $n = '-3'; }elseif($zscore >= -2 and $zscore < 0){ $n = '-2'; }elseif($zscore == 0){ $n = '0'; }elseif($zscore <= 2 and $zscore > 0){ $n = '2'; }elseif($zscore <= 3 and $zscore > 2){ $n = '3'; }elseif($zscore > 3){ $n = '4'; } } $q = "SELECT * FROM milna_interpretasi_kurva WHERE sSub='".$sub."' and nNilai='".$n."'"; $result = $this->wpdb->get_row($q, ARRAY_A); return $result; } private function getPrefix($gender) { $gender = strtolower($gender); if ($gender == 'male' || $gender == 'laki-laki'){ return 'lakilaki'; }elseif($gender == 'female' || $gender == 'perempuan'){ return 'perempuan'; }else{ return 'Not Valid'; } } private function getTable($type) { if (stripos($type, 'head') !== false){ return 'milna_lingkar_kepala'; }elseif (stripos($type, 'height') !== false){ return 'milna_tinggi_badan'; }elseif (stripos($type, 'weight') !== false){ return 'milna_berat_badan'; }else{ return 'Not Valid'; } } }
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
Helpers | Folder | 0777 |
Tools | Folder | 0777 |
Anak.php | File | 5.67 KB | 0666 |
Anak.phpbakup | File | 5.66 KB | 0666 |
Autoloader.php | File | 840 B | 0666 |
BaseClass.php | File | 4.49 KB | 0666 |
Profile.php | File | 1.41 KB | 0666 |
User.php | File | 2.44 KB | 0666 |
index.php | File | 0 B | 0666 |
Server Info
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- PHP Version: 7.4.33
- Server Software: Apache/2.4.58 (Ubuntu)
- HDD Total Space: 18.33 GB
- HDD Free Space: 2.48 GB
- Total Domains in Server: 2
- System: Linux milna-web 6.8.0-1018-aws #20-Ubuntu SMP Thu Oct 10 18:14:42 UTC 2024 x86_64
System Info
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- Username: root
- User ID: 0
- Group ID: 0
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