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12 Months +

Trips and Tricks to Increase Child Weight

Balanced nutrition plays an important role in the process of child growth and development. Moms also would like to pay...
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12 Months +

How to Avoid Malnutrition in Children with the Right Food

As advised by the WHO, after the first six months of exclusive breastfeeding, babies need to be introduced to food...
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12 Months +

Find Out if Your Child Nutrition is Adequate or Not

Every mom will agree that nutrition plays a big role in child growth. Giving balanced nutritional intake that has been...
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12 Months +

What are the Effects of Gadgets for Children?

Gadget in the development of children nowadays is like a two edged knife. Its presence can bring a lot of...
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6 Months +

Useful Tips Mom Can Use for How to Feed a Child

Klikdokter.com – babies always follow their instinct since they were born, including time to eat. they only wants to eat if...
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9 Months +

Great Tips for Introducing Solid Foods to Your Baby

Klikdokter.com – Exclusive breastfeeding or formula milk is needed by babies for their first 6 months. But after that, you have...
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12 Months +

Simple Strategies in Feeding Picky Eaters Kids

Klikdokter.com – Around 20% – 50% of parents admit that their children are picky eaters. Picky eater is a condition when...
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6 Months +

4 Signs that You Need to Prepare Baby Solid Food

One of the most common question asked by parent is, “When will my child ready to be introduced with solid...
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6 Months +

Common Feeding Problems & How to Solve Them

Klikdokter.com–When your baby reaches 6 months old, here comes a time when he needs something new in his life, which...
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